Thursday, April 30, 2009

Half Nekkid Thursday

Sporting the Mr's Fedora. Lot's of good times had in this hat.

This week's picture was pulled from the archives. I've been spending far too much time gaping in the mirror at what my body is holding for me. Sometimes you just gotta feel those pictures or poses, and it wasn't in me this week.

To kick of the last day of regular eating, we're gonna hit a Before picture, and hopefully sometimes soon you'll get the after, but to be sure there will be updates tacked on to future HNT's. It's not THAT bad, but it honestly should not look like I'm still pregnant. So, we're gonna work on that.

13 thoughtful remarks:

Kimberly said...

I love the hat, this is a great photo!!

I remember when one of my kids was 2 or so I was at the local pool and someone stopped me and said "I didn't know you were expecting again." Ouch, I feel you! Good luck! Just remember that we think you are fabulous!!!

Osbasso said...

What a fun picture! Good luck with the weight loss. Looking forward to the 'after' picture!

LarryG said...

you really like hats don't ya!

maybe you could try a wee irish tam.

the hat portfolio! ;)

you are looking terrific today Amber

My expressions LIVE said...

The MR is a very lucky man.....again you look amazing....xoxox

Thursday's Child said...

Oh, I love the fedora - you pull it off beautifully!

And good luck with the weight loss - I'm still plugging away on mine, and though it's hard, it's totally worth it!

Just Jules said...

I have four kids and some "extra skin" to show from it ;) Posture -you would believe how five pounds disappear when you stand tall and suck it in -

Good luck

Anonymous said...

I love love love love chicks in hats/caps!
and you are killing it right here.
Dang thats awesome.

Good luck on the weight loss!! When you lose all yours I'll sendja 30 errr 50 ok ok 75 to lose for me!

Pronto said...

love the hat.

great photo. looks like you're having fun with the photo shoot, too.


{{ d a n i m o }} said...

beautiful hnt, amber! i think your body looks wonderful, belly and all, and if the mr. disagrees he needs to see a neurologist about possible retinal detachment. :P

Bud Fisher said...

The best part of Thursdays now for me is your pic! Great shot...

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Seriously... that's a cute photo... and I LOVED Kriss Kross in the day!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Sorry that's my OTHER sign in... this is Shelle from Blokthoughts! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Amarie said...

Love the pic!
Yes, I know about that tummy issue all too well! If you can do it, I'll know I can do it, too :-). Good luck!