Monday, December 27, 2004

All is said and done

Yup...Christmas has finally passed. Just waiting on New Years now.
Yup, so Gramma and Robert left this morning.
We convinced Martin and Robert to come sledding with us lastnight, even though it was in the dark. Was lots of fun, but, boy do those men have a strange way of having fun. *let's see who can get the biggest bruise from doing the stupidest thing*
Yeah, Darius and I went down together from a mild hill, and Darius just loved it.
Christmas Eve was good, but it took us 2 hours to open all the gifts that were under the tree. Gifts, by the way, were stacked almost as high as the tree itself. Makes sense, we had 10 ppl here for Christmas Eve.
I stuffed and cleaned the turkey for Christmas dinner the next day, and it was almost enough to make me wanna go vegan.
Our room is a mess, and I am conceding that it will be this way for a very long time.
I go back to work tommorow.
Candice bought the household a Gamecube, I got a foot spa and a vehicle vacuum, Chance got an electric razor, toothbrush and Nose/ear hair trimmer.
Went shopping yesterday...yup, s'right, I went out in the Boxing Day masses and lived to tell the tale. I bought slippers, new boots for myself, new boots for Darius, some baby bath stuff, a couple of relaxation cd's for .88 each, and "Someone Like You" on DVD for 7.88. I think I robbed em dry.
Am going to have to plan a trip to Gramma and Ralph's soon because their washer isn't working, and they are currently doing their wash by hand. Their dryer is still working, so I guess that's a plus. In any event, Chance and I had planned on loaning our washer/dryer to them until we can buy them a new/used washer at least.
Gosh I sure do love gramma cooking.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Adventures Adventures

Yes, I like using double words in my titles.
Went on an adventure yesterday to pick up Wayne, I'm rather proud I drove quite well.
He brought over his X-Box and small tv. We hooked both together and had some Halo fun. I'm also proud that I'm pretty good at Halo for only being a newbie. I guess I need to admit here that I enjoy killing people...but I sometimes catch myself trying to nod my head to change the view on my screen. So I plyed with them for a good couple of hours, and had some fun. Then I came and put Darius to sleep, but fell asleep myself in the proccess. Felt kinda bad for stealing gramma and ralph's bed.
I slept in this morning...didn't get up until quarter to 10. I still feel kinda groggy, which I guess is why I knew I shouldn'tve slept in.
Anywho...I need a shower. Sposed to go tot Bill and Lorraines today at 2. Am curious if I should bring anything with me. We'll see.
D's Christmas cards are a hit so far. :o]
He loves his Uncle Wayne.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Tsk Tsk

Well, was an eventful day yesterday. Took a nice long drive...we were in the truck for, roughly 5 hours or so yesterday. How exhausting.
Bachalours...*shakes head*
Nuff said on that subject.
Got here, ordered dinner, ate, then watched pokie play games all night, tried to watch a movie, put my hair in curlers, then went to sleep. Chance was nice and put baby to sleep.
He drove most of the way here, up to the Toll Booth before he asked me to drive because he was too tired. He was so excited about coming down to the coast that he didn't go to sleep at all the night before...sooooo...yeah.
Slept with Darius on a foamy gramma and ralph borrowed from Danielle and Niamh, Gramma and Ralph slept in pokie's bed, pokie and chance slept on the couch.
Wasn't bad, sure was comfy.
I've got a rash on my hand from washing my hands too much at work. Tried counting how many times I washed, and lost count after thirty. S'not so bad today, more itchy than anything, but doesn't sting like it hast the last week.
Went to Value Village earlier cause Chance was embaressed by D's screams whilst I was trying to get him to nap...he was frustrated with me (chance, not D...well, probly both) and came and butted in. So I knew better than to hang around and let everyone see me stew, so I took off. Decided to be constructive and try to find a thrift store, and managed to find my way to a Value Village. I'm very proud of myself...I remembered where it was. Spent about 65 bux. I bought a coffee pot which came with filters, some plates, towels for when we come to visit cause they don't really have a whole lot of extras, and some festive hand/dish towels, a new bathing suit, a D outfit, and a coupla pots. Plus a couple of paperback books, 2 for gramma to read, and one for myself.
Then I headed to the grocery store that was right next to it...bought some coffee, bread, sandwhich meat, and chips.
Phew...try carrying all that in in one load. Ouch.
As I was on my way to the door bumped into gramma and ralph, and they told me D still hadn't gone to sleep. *insert I told you so any time now* So, I buzzed up, and unloaded my treasures. Put everything away, and got D to sleep in about five minutes.
Now...I'm spending more money than I ought to...cause I still wanna take D to NEwton Wave pool I guess I had better get hustling on findind a number to call for pool scheduals.
It's 12 fricken degrees outside right the literal middle of December...

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Early Christmas

I bought us a new-to-us dishwasher today!
Chance, my wonderful handy man (AKA Jack of all trades), is attempting installation. I'm very proud that he's gotten as far as he has. With only research on the internet to aid him.
Mom and D and I are getting ready to go grocery shopping.
Went to a ladies' tea lastnight with Sylvia. Was fun enough, I walked out with a boquet of roses, and a mini christmas tree, decorated by myself and another woman who sat at the same table as I did. we go.