Tuesday, May 19, 2009

If It's Not One Thing...

You know, as I was typing my last entry, I was wondering what could happen that could make me thankful for what we have going on right now...turns out I didn't need to wonder for long.
I mentioned that we had put washer & dryer in the garage for pick up, when in actuality the washer didn't make it out of the truck bed until that night. We traded our newer washer with the one at MIL's which was aging, and placed their old one at our place to match the models up better.
Anyhow, it required me to go find a friend of ours to help me lift the washer out. As we were lifting, friend slipped, jumped, and dropped. It consequently rose up 2 inches in the air (he was on the heavy end) and came down and crushed my index finger between it and my truck tailgate. An hour later I headed to the hospital. I waited a while cause it really didn't register that it got hurt until a while later. Turns out I fracture the tip, and it's chipped. I'm right handed and I just busted the tip of my right index finger. Honestly...who fractures just a tip?! Anyhow, I've been splinted up, and told not to move it for the month that it'll take to heal.
Yup, I miss those good ole days where I had the use of both my complete hands. Now I need to toss on a rubber glove if I'm planning on getting wet, to prevent the splint from getting wet, and need to make sure it doesn't get bumped too hard. It's stupid, really. My finger tip is all shades of purple & blue, and I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't loose the nail.
On a brighter note, somthing that I've been chuckling over the last few days...H watched a tv station called Sprout, which occasionally airs those silly Geico commercials (that's the money you could be saving with Geico). Anyhow, as I was making my last entry, he was playing on the floor next to the comp when he sprouts off "That's money Geico!" I was wondering why he'd say Geico, and when I looked over at him ans asked him to repeat himself he showed me a piece of junk mail he had found on the floor. Yup, it was a picture of the Geico money, and my little H was prattling their slogan thinkinI may cut back on tv time now...LOL
Have to go volunteer at the schoolt oday, and Thursday we'll be taking a class trip tot he zoo, which I'm chaperoning. Controlling two 1st grade classes when I can't even get my own to listen to me...oh boy, looking forward to it :o)

7 thoughtful remarks:

Jack said...

Oh dear Amber, you really need to learn to slow down a little ;)

Hope your week gets better as it goes!

My expressions LIVE said...

I have the perfect remedy for that hope you feel better..xoxoxoxo

Bretthead said...

You are so lucky! As long as you are in a splint, you can constantly put your broken finger to your lips, make a really quizical look on your face and say to whoever you are with, "I was going to tell you something important but I just can't put my finger on it..." And then giggle spastically and walk away.

Coffee Slut said...

check my blog - I have an award for you!

Amarie said...

You poor thing! Try not to punch me through the pc screen when I tell you it WILL get better :-0.

Bud Fisher said...

Hope the finger is better. That's funny with the Geico commercial. When my oldest was four she sang along to all my music. Once my ex and I were driving her somewhere and a Neil Young came and I hear he sing with him "and I felt like getting high" and my ex and I got hysterical laughing. Kids pick up on everything!

Janet said...

oh, OUCH!!! I hope you heal up quickly!