Friday, May 23, 2008

Cleaning Bug

Ready for the long weekend I am.
Can you tell we've been watching Star Wars lately?
Last week we bought the Indiana Jones Trilogy and the Star Wars Trilogy on VHS for D's room and we've worked our way through 5 of them so far.
I stopped cleaning this week...I wanted to see just how bad it would get if I didn't do anything.
Today I gave up on that venture because there weren't any free horizontal spaces anywhere's in the house, nor could we walk freely through the kitchen or living room. and I couldn't tell the different between clean and dirty laundry on all floor space. Nevermind the fact that we had no clean bowls, or silverware. It was bad.
So...I gave in and started cleaning. I vacuumed, I started the laundry (after bringing it down), started the dishes, washed the kitchen floor, and cupboards, washed the cupboards in the bathroom and am currently awaiting to clean the sink and floor in there as I keep getting interrupted.
Stupid laundry...seriously, I did 7 loads this weekend to finish it off and have another 5 build up magically since then.

Pumping myself up for next week I spose. We're supposed to go to Cedar point for Chance' birthday with a bunch of co-workers/friends. Rhonda and Don will be taking the kids up to Cleveland for the day while we go. We got all the tickets, and just figuring the last little bit of stuff out :o) It'll be interesting to go again since I haven't been since D was born.

Uploaded pics to Flickr last night.
Guess I should go finish my cleaning as I've forgotten the real reason why I wanted to blog in the first place...

2 thoughtful remarks:

Hekter81 said...

I thought that was a question at the start lol,i was like "wait...i'm not ready" lol.But those are some good movies you bought,and you sure clean alot.I only clean my room like 4 times a year...i just say "it's my mess so i know it's all good".Anyway's...till next time


[ H3KT3R ]

Anonymous said...

All this cleaning... ugh. It reminds me of all I have to clean too. Heh. I bet with two extra kids, it gets dirty again much quicker than with just two adults. I can't believe how much of a mess we make as two adults. I'm not lookin' forward to cleaning after a child too! :P Heh. Eh well, the joys of parenthood, I suppose.