Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fused Plastic Bags

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but starting late next month, I'll be teaching a sewing class in the itty bitty town that I live in.
I'll be teaching folks (up to 6 in the class total) how to make their own Re-Usable shopping bags out of whatever they choose to bring.
There's an open house tomorrow at the center where I'll be teaching at, and they've asked me to bring some bags that I can leave there as demonstrations to promote my class. I'll be promoting for about an hour tomorrow after I get off of work, and I'm kind of nervous.
I'm confident that I can teach people how to sew (after all I've taught Mr). I'm always nervous when it comes to displaying my work because I'm afraid everyone is as much of a perfectionist as I
I whipped these up tonight. I've been waiting for ages to try out fusing plastic bags together (remember this post?) to use in a project. This provided exactly what I needed. I snagged some bags from Gramma's immense collection, her parchment paper, and got down to business.
These are the fabulous finished products I've come up with. While I'm still working on what feels most comfortable to fuse the bags together, and which ones I want to use, I really enjoyed this.
The first entire bag is recycled material. Plastic bags, a Pottery Barn ribbon, and an adjustable waist elastic tab from a pair of jeans I bought a year or so ago for H. The only thing that wasn't recycled was the thread.
The second bag is a combination of fused plastic bags, some denim I had laying around, a pink length of upholstery decoration, some costume jewelry and green binding.
I'll be trying different projects out for this technique in the future, these were just to get the ball rolling.
I'm rather pleased with how these projects turned out, and I hope everyone who comes to the Open House tomorrow is as excited about this upcoming project as I am. I hope I get a full class, it would be extremely flattering, I think.
It feels good to be creative.

6 thoughtful remarks:

gayle said...

good job, they look great.

Ama said...

Creative AND talented! I'm proud of you Amber!

Mariah said...

SO CUTE! Good luck with the class

Hepburn Hilton said...

How fun! Teach me! I would love to be able to sow...

Macky said...

wow...great work! my wife loves should have a website for your work

4streegrrl said...

Very cute and a great green idea! Congrats on your creative venture and good luck on growing it! :)