Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hunter's Accomplishments

Was cute, the other day we went to Scandia. Chance met the kids and I there, and afterwards we went to Wal Mart (it's been ages since I've been there). On the drive there he took D, and I had Hunter. I had all my windows down as it was a very nice, warm day out. Hunter caught the wind in the backseat, and I kept looking back to check that it wasn't too windy. On one of these checks, he had his hands way up in the air, his head turned slightly to the side, and a huge grin on his face, with his eyes closed like he was being tickled. Just enjoying the wind...was totally precious, and I wish I could've gotten a picture of it, but that's just too dangerous to do while driving. ;o)
Hunter has figured out that he can pull things down from the table-top and such, and crawls over and reaches up to see what he can find. He also plays peek-a-boo under the table. His two fav places are under the table and in big brother's room. When he gets under the table, he stands up with the chairs, and then he ducks down to grin at you, then stands back up.
Hunter likes to play find the toys hiding under blankets and such, and loves to play peek a boo when you put a kleenex or something on his face.
Hunter has full reign of the house, and explores till his heart is content, and on occasions when he's found a place he's not allowed to be is extremely persistent.
I've discovered he can also climb stair no problemmo, as he did so at mom's office while we were visiting her today.
He's still a magpie and loves shiny objects.
Hunter hates wearing socks, and will pull them off at the first opportunity presented to him.
Hunter is very flexible and throughly enjoys bending his legs back and forth while nursing.
He's oh-so-charismatic, but still very shy when it comes to new people. if he won't go to you in the first five minutes of meeting you, chances are he won't go to you at all.
I'm very surprised that he's not afraid of the vacuum like Darius was (though I guess living with a rambuncious big brother helps). Instead he sits on the floor and follows me around when I do vacuum. He just likes to watch me do it and watch the light on the vacuum head I spose.

1 thoughtful remarks:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Leaps & Bounds! (literally and figuratively)