Thursday, December 08, 2005

My Thursday

Wasn't a bad day today...slept in, and when I called Sylvia, she said not to come in because there was a change in plans. Yay...I got to stay home today.
Helped get D ready for pre-school, then sat round wondering what to eat. Hopped online and chatted with mom for a few before we both decided that it was a good day to go thrift shopping.
It was a perfect day for Thrift shopping, we got out early, and the sun was shining all day1 It was beautiful, and even the thrift store workers were cheery...everyone we came across was in a good mood. We didn't get home until 2:30, and I left the house at 10:15 this morning.
I'm so excited...I seen so many thing that I wanted, but bought only a few, and one of which in particular that I'm just exstatic over. I'm planning on making Chance something that he's wanted for a long positive that he'll be surprised when he sees it, but am also sure that he'll really like it. Isn't it funny, I found the perfect gift in a thirft store?
Anywho...seen a rocking chair that I fit perfectly for only 12 bux that I didn't buy, and a perfectly good carseat that's newer, no stains, with a base and working fine for 45 that I also didn't buy because I thought Chance wouldn't agree with it...even though our first car seat was myself a really pretty yellow dress yesterday which i spent my day shopping for accessories for, and managed to find a scarf and a pair of shoes to match both were only 2.99 at Value Village. I was also very surprised to find that Value Village had the biggest selection of maternity wear out of any store (asides from an actual maternity wear store) that I've been into...and the majority of the stuff was still new.
Went grocery shopping on Tuesday with Chance, cause I needed to buy all of my baking rather ashamed at how low I let my baking stocks get. Spent only about 90 dollars, that with about 17 dollars in I'm not complaining. Gearing up to send out my Christmas them all done up, and pictures are inserted, just hafta add the last little messages and they're off! Yay
Still have plenty of Christmas shopping to do, but I've managed to buy a few small things here and there...and am hoping to be able to buy more, but who knows what my future holds. As it stand now I have the choice of paying my truck lease payment, or buying Christmas gifts for everyone that I want to buy for. All I can say is...I hope they can understand...and survive with only gifts that ican make for them...cause that's mostly what I'm doing this year, making gifts for everyone. :o)
Bringing the true Christmas spirit back.

1 thoughtful remarks:

Anonymous said...

gifts from the heart are the most precious...