Thursday, August 12, 2010

Since March:

I have had 7 clients enter (or re-enter) my program

2 of my clients found employment
3 of my clients quit smoking
1 learned the basics of nutrition, and grew by leaps and bounds
2 have begun drinking their recommended daily intake of water
2 completely cut out caffeine from their diet
1 learned how to ask for help
3 have gone on their chosen form of Birth Control
2 have made plans for a permanent form of Birth Control
1 resolved her financial issues, thus reducing the stress on her baby
2 are keeping regular prenatal visits without reminders

While I am only one half of the entire program, there is still a lot to be said of our accomplishments. When you stand back and take a look at the bigger picture. Surely it isn't all credited to me, but the program in general.
A lot of my stress of late is job-related. As my coping mechanisms haven't been up to par to meet this stress, it was really affecting my family life.
My first step, was to take a look at the accomplishments that my clients had made, and congratulating myself on being a part of that change.
I've posted this list next to my monitor on the wall in my office, and am now reading it daily, just to give me that boost. There are a number of things that I'm doing that I know regular Home Visitor's don't do, but I've never really been one to fit the mold. I'm taking steps to form this program to me, to how I best serve my clients. I'm doing whatever I can to ensure my clients are educated, and that I am identifying any issues that need to be addressed.
I've been here for nearly 6 months now, and I love my job.
What do I love most about my job?
I'm making a difference in a child's life.

4 thoughtful remarks:

Kitten said...

I haven't commented in awhile here, but I must say, I am very proud of you and the difference you are making in people's lives. Applause, applause!! :)

Anonymous said...


Ama said...

Great idea posting those accomplishments - it's your reminder of how important you are in the lives of others (including to yourself and your own family!)

Nietha said...

awesome =) keep it up!